What: IPY Canada Early Results Workshop
The IPY community in Canada will convene for the IPY Canada Early Results Workshop to note IPY's achievements, to showcase preliminary findings from Canadian IPY projects, to explore ideas for synthesizing and integrating results, and to begin focusing on the implications of IPY research in terms of climate change impacts and adaptations and health and well-being of northern communities.
When: February 16-18, 2010
Where: Fairmont Château Laurier, Ottawa, Ontario
Travel Support:
Limited travel support will be available for eligible participants of the IPY Canada Early Results Workshop. To determine if you are eligible for travel support, please contact Stephanie Rees at Stephanie.Rees@ainc‐inac.gc.ca; (819) 953‐1268.
Presenters: January 8, 2010
Participants: January 28, 2010
Travel Support Request: January 8, 2010
Block booking at Château Laurier: January 16, 2010
IPY Canada Early Results Workshop 2010
The fourth International Polar Year (IPY) has been the largest-ever international research program focussed on the world's polar regions.
Scientific results from this 60+ nation initiative will be presented to the international community at the IPY Oslo Science Conference in June 2010.
In advance of the event in Oslo, the IPY community in Canada will convene for the IPY Canada Early Results Workshop, February 16-18, 2010 in Ottawa to note IPY's achievements, to showcase preliminary findings from Canadian IPY projects, to explore ideas for synthesizing and integrating results, and to begin focusing on the implications of IPY research in terms of climate change impacts and adaptations and health and well-being of northern communities.
The IPY Canada Early Results Workshop 2010 is the third in a series of workshops organized by the Government of Canada Program for IPY. These workshops bring together the diverse IPY community in Canada to develop and further networks, share information, discuss ideas and build synergies amongst the various Canadian IPY projects. The previous workshops, in October 2007 and December 2008, initiated discussions on data management, knowledge transfer and integration. Canada's IPY Program is now at a stage in which most research projects have completed their final field seasons and data analysis and interpretation is underway. At this point, most IPY project teams have preliminary results to share and discuss.
The IPY Canada Early Results Workshop 2010 will be the first opportunity for the broader IPY community in Canada to learn about the findings of IPY science that has been taking place in Canada since early 2007.
The objectives of the IPY Canada Early Results Workshop are:
1. to provide an opportunity for IPY researchers to present their early results to the Canadian IPY and Arctic research community;
2. to begin and/or promote ongoing initiatives to synthesize IPY research results;
3. to share information about other IPY program and legacy initiatives (e.g., data management, logistics, licensing, training, communications and outreach);
4. to stimulate dialogue around policy implications of IPY research, and build momentum for the IPY Global Conference in 2012 which will be hosted by Canada.
The IPY Canada Early Results Workshop 2010 will provide an opportunity to bring together Canadian researchers, research managers, policymakers and others interested in Arctic science to focus on early IPY results and begin synthesis activities.
Lead researchers from IPY science projects, key representatives of other IPY program components, representatives of organizations involved in northern/Arctic science, and representatives of northern Aboriginal and science-focused organizations should plan to attend.
Note that this workshop is not intended to be a primary means of delivering research results to northern audiences. Specific communications activities focused on bringing IPY results to northern audiences are under development in collaboration with the four IPY Northern Coordination Offices.
Have a question? Please contact Stephanie Rees at the IPY Federal Program Office at Stephanie.Rees@ainc-inac.gc.ca (819) 953-1268; or at api-ipy@ainc-inac.gc.ca (819) 953-2007
Registration information to be posted soon on the IPY website at www.ipy-api.gc.ca.