International Polar Year, or IPY (2007-2009) is by far the most exciting international scientific and educational opportunity of this century. For the next two years, all eyes will be focused on the physical, social and human dimensions of our planet's polar regions. Watch this blog for news related to Canadian outreach and education efforts related to IPY. Of particular interest to educators! Note: This blog is created independently of any official IPY organization

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Antarctica: Life on the Ice” (Travelers’ Tales) Book Tour Free TeleWebcast with Susan Fox Rogers (Editor) and Contributors LIVE FROM ANTARCTICA! Date: Thursday, December 13th Time: 5pm PST / 8pm EST To Register, go to:

Take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put your questions about this fascinating, forbidden place to Susan Fox Rogers, Editor of “Antarctica: Life on the Ice” (Travelers’ Tales, 2007) and several of the book's contributors including researcher Katy Jensen, and former representative from the National Science Foundation, Guy Guthridge, as well as penguinologist David Ainley, and IT expert Karen Joyce who will be joining us LIVE FROM ANTARCTICA. Register Now to be a part of this free TeleWebcast at: (Feel free to pass this on to a few friends, family members or colleagues) “Antarctica: Life on the Ice” (Travelers’ Tales, 2007) is a collection of riveting stories written by scientists, professional writers and other individuals who tell their tales about what it’s like to live and work on the Ice. “Antarctica” has been selected for inclusion for the Polar Project through IPY, The International Polar Year program which focuses on the Arctic and the Antarctic from March 2007 to March 2009. SUSAN FOX ROGERS’S lifelong fascination with Antarctica began during her childhood as she listened to her father’s stories about the South Pole. Rogers has read nearly everything about Antarctica, and she finally had her chance to live and work on the Ice when she spent six weeks at McMurdo Station as part of The National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Artists and Writers Program. Learn more about Susan Fox Rogers and her work at Penguinologist, DAVID AINLEY, has made at least 28 trips to Antarctica to study the fate of the Adelie penguins. He will be calling in from Cape Royds. KAREN JOYCE, one of the funniest storytellers on the Ice, has spent sixteen seasons in Antarctica and seems to know just about everything that has and is occurring on the Ice. She will be calling in from McMurdo Station. KATY JENSEN, a scientist sent by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to monitor things that might affect the Earth’s atmosphere, has spent more than four years on the Ice, including three winters at the South Pole. GUY GUTHRIDGE – meet the man behind the National Science Foundation’s Artists and Writers Program. Join us for this rare opportunity. Register at: By the way, “Antarctica: Life on the Ice” would be a great gift for yourself and your adventurous friends. Buy a couple of books when you register or while you’re participating in this great TeleWebcast!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

IPY Report: December 2007

Apologies for cross-posting.
IPY Report: December 2007
From: IPY International Programme Office
To: IPY Project Coordinators
cc: IPY Community Google Groups
This message can also be viewed on the web at:
1. IPY Science Day: Ice Sheets, December 13th 2007
2. AGU
3. Data Coordinators
4. IPO in December
5. IPY Events and Conferences
6. Logos and Clothing
7. Two recent meetings
8. Blog on
1. IPY Science Day: Ice Sheets, December 13th 2007
December 13th marks the second IPY Science Day, focussing on Ice Sheets. You can find information from more than 20 IPY Projects researching various aspects of Ice Sheets on, as well as an educational flier, in 16 languages, and information for teachers and media. Show your involvement in IPY by launching a virtual balloon on this day!
2. American Geophysical Union meeting, 10 to 14 December 2007
IPY will have a large presence at AGU, with Union and Section science and education sessions, town meetings, and countless side meetings. We hope to display a list of daily IPY-related events at the IPY exhibit. We will also have copies of the new LIMA poster - arrive early to get one. If you have time to 'work' at the IPY exhibit, for even an hour or two, please let us know - we need assistance. IPO thanks the USA NSF Office of Polar Programs for their support of and partnership in the IPY exhibit.
3. Data Coordinators
We hear of recent efforts in two IPY nations to establish national data coordinators. We see those appointments as extremely helpful in the overall IPY data and information effort. Encouraging rapid and free data exchange and ensuring reliable and accessible long-term data archives remain our most important tasks. The IPY DIS web site (, or link from provides many resources for IPY researches and project coordinators. Leaders of the IPY DIS effort will provide an information and help service at AGU, from the IPY exhibit.
4. IPO in December
Kathy Salisbury will cover many of Nicola Munro's duties as IPY IPO Administrator while Nicola works in Antarctica. The IPO will close from December 24th- January 4th. For urgent enquiries, please contact Dave Carlson ( or Rhian Salmon ( directly during this time.
5. IPY Events and Conferences
At this point, planning proceeds for two IPY-endorsed conferences:
A Mid-IPY Science Conference, as part of the SCAR / IASC Open Science Conference in St Petersburg in July 2008; and
An IPY Early Science Conference in Oslo in May 2010.
Canada has proposed to host an IPY Science and Policy conference for 2012 (see the November report) and the IPY youth and early career organization, APECS, works to convene an international youth-focussed IPY Polar Discovery Conference in 2009.
6. Logos and IPY Clothing
We assume that every recipient of this report knows the familiar circular IPY logo. Did you know, however, that the IPY logo comes in several variants, modified to express the enthusiasms of a particular group or country? We hope to display these versions of the logo on Please see two interesting versions at: Please send us your versions.
You may also have seen, on, the IPY logo on a very nice polar parka (see The manufacturer of those parkas ('Made the North, for the North') offers a very nice product at a very substantial discount to all IPY participants. Please see the details and links on that page.
7. Recent meetings
Heads of Arctic and Antarctic IPY Secretariats (HAIS) met 5-6 November at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St. Petersburg, Russia. HAIS members play key roles in implementing IPY in their countries. You can read draft Minutes, the agenda and written agenda contributions available at: The HAIS recommended to involve the Arctic Council and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings in the planning of the 2012 Science and Policy Conference (see item 5, above). The HAIS visited the Eastern Arctic IPY Sub-office (the IPY EASO web site - http:/ - provides useful information for everybody involved in IPY projects in the Eastern Arctic) and heard presentations by young Russian IPY scientists.
A workshop on Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) occurred in Stockholm, Sweden 12-14 November, 2007. Along with parallel activities for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, this initiative seeks to ensure continuation of observing systems currently in place the Arctic and to provide an international forum for pan-Arctic cooperation on issues related to data sharing and to future observing systems. A web site,, offers access to the SAON planning documents and to information about the second (Canada) and third (Finland) SAON workshops.
For more information about either of these activities, contact Dave Carlson ( or Odd Rogne (
8. Blog on
Several IPY Projects provide frequent material for blogs on In recent days you will have seen very interesting reports from several traverses crossing Antarctica. These Projects find blogging fun, easy, and a great way to take stories directly to the public. We receive regular enthusiastic comments from the public and from teachers especially saying how much they enjoy to read a collection of diverse stories reported almost immediately by scientists in the field. If you or your IPY Project would like to blog on, please contact Rhian (

Friday, November 30, 2007

IPY new mosaic of Antarctica image

IPY 2007-2008: " Antarctic LIMA project delivers new mosaic of Antarctica image A new satellite image of the Antarctic continent is now ready for all to see and use. The IPY Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) project has been completed and its stunning result is freely available for the first time today. Compiled from over 1000 Landsat scenes, the result is a 15-metre resolution, near seamless and cloudless image mosaic of the continent."

Antarctica Live from IPY events...

Celebrate the International Polar Year (IPY) and virtually join teachers and researchers in Antarctica through Live from IPY events! Interact with PolarTREC teachers and researchers conducting research in Antarctica. These are real-time, interactive events where you can ask questions and view photos! Anyone can register for these events and participation is free! For more information about PolarTREC or to register for Live from IPY events, visit Or contact Janet Warburton or Kristin Fischer or call the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) at 907-474-1600 *********************************************** Live From IPY Event Information *********************************************** You may register for these live events at: 6 December 2007, Live from IPY with PolarTREC teacher Ann Linsley working on the Human Impacts in Antarctica project from McMurdo Station, Antarctica. [9:30AM Alaska Standard Time, 8:30AM HST, 10:30AM PST, 11:30AM MST, 12:30PM CST, 1:30PM EST, 7:30AM next day at McMurdo, Antarctica] 12 December 2007, Live from IPY with PolarTREC teacher Elke Bergholz working on South Pole Ozone Changes project from South Pole Station, Antarctica. [7:30AM Alaska Standard Time, 6:30AM HST, 8:30AM PST, 9:30AM MST, 10:30AM CST, 11:30AM EST, 5:30AM next day at South Pole, Antarctica] 13 December 2007, Live from IPY celebrating International Polar Day. Learn more about ice sheet research in the polar regions with presentations from a variety of researchers and PolarTREC teacher Brandon Gillette. [8:30AM Alaska Standard Time, 7:30AM HST, 9:30AM PST, 10:30AM MST, 11:30AM CST, 12:30PM EST, 6:30AM next day at McMurdo Station, Antarctica] 19 December 2007, Live from IPY with PolarTREC teacher Elke Bergholz working on South Pole Ozone Changes project from South Pole Station, Antarctica. [9:30AM Alaska Standard Time, 8:30AM HST, 10:30AM PST, 11:30AM MST, 12:30PM CST, 1:30PM EST, 7:30AM next day at South Pole, Antarctica] For these events, we will be using the "webinar" (online seminar) interface, Horizon Wimba, which allows presentation of PowerPoint slides over the Internet during a conference call, and includes other useful functions such as online chat and polling features. To take full advantage of the webinar you will need telephone and Internet access. If you do not have Internet access, however, you can simply join the conference call. Every event is archived and available online after the completion of the live sessions. Instructions on how to view an archived events will be posted on the PolarTREC website and emailed to all registered participants. For more information, contact Janet Warburton or Kristin Fischer or call the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) at 907-474-1600

Monday, November 26, 2007

IPY Ice Sheet Day Dec 13th!!

A flyer for Ice Sheet Day, December 13th is available in 16 languages at (The recipe for home-made clay is also at the above link) Direct link to English flyer: Have a play and launch your own virtual balloon! The December 13th IPY Day: Ice Sheets webpages will be published tomorrow with a direct link from the homepage of, or directly at: Please forward to your colleagues, and send any suggestions or additions to myself and Stefan Geens ( (We still need to add more images to these pages.) We will send out a press release about the December 13th International Polar Day next week. Rhian Salmon International IPY Outreach Coordinator

Monday, November 19, 2007

Antarctic Photo Library

I would like to remind everyone that the Antarctic Photo Library has over 3,000 photos available for anyone anywhere in the world to use. If you type "glacier" into the image search feature in the upper right corner, you will get over 100 images. You can browse through the pages of thumbnails and when you find a photo you want to use, click on it to bring up a midsized image with caption and credit. Below the caption are instructions for downloading high resolution images. Elaine Hood Antarctic Photo Librarian

Friday, November 16, 2007

IPY/NSTA Web Seminars:The Role of Polar Regions in Earth¹s Changing Climate System

IPY/NSTA Web Seminars: The Role of Polar Regions in Earth¹s Changing Climate System More information can be found at: webseminar.aspx ************************************ All web seminar participants use online tools that allow them to mark-up presenter's slides or share desktop applications in addition to engaging in chat with others online and answering poll questions Join us for two, free Web Seminars featuring scientists and education specialists from NASA. The seminars will focus on the International Polar Year (IPY) and how polar regions interact with Earth¹s climate system, atmospheric gas changes over Earth¹s history, what ice cores tell us about past climate, and the implications of climate change in the polar regions. The presenters will share their science expertise, answer questions from the participants, and provide information regarding web sites that students can use in the classroom. These Web Seminars are designed for educators of grades 5­8. Each web seminar is a unique, stand-alone, program. Archives of these web seminars and the presenters¹ PowerPoint presentations will be available on this web page. Schedule Web Seminar I Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Eastern Topic: International Polar Year ­ Earth¹s Changing Climate System Presenter: IPY presenting team Web Seminar II Date: Thursday, December 13, 2007 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Eastern Topic: International Polar Year ­ Earth¹s Changing Climate System Presenter: IPY presenting team Registration Register to participate in these web seminars at: webseminar.aspx

International Polar Year in the Classroom

International Polar Year in the Classroom By Science IDEAS(Science IDEAS) IPY is a coordinated effort by the international science and education communities to learn more about the polar regions and how they impact the rest of the world, including people. The campaign runs for two years, from March 2007 to ... Science IDEAS - Register Today for Upcoming NASA/NSTA and IPY /NSTA Web Seminars Space Ref (press release) - USA ... the National Science Foundation and the National Science Teachers Association for two free Web seminars on the topic of the International Polar Year. ...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Antarctic IPY resources

Antarctic science: Practical activities for the classroom Welcome back to Australian teachers Caroline Lapworth and Jane Dobson, who have returned safely from their voyage to the Antarctic as part of the Australian Teachers Experiencing the Antarctic project. Caroline and Jane were very busy during their time away, and have created a marvellous education section on the voyage website: Of particular interest to teachers of science in primary and secondary schools is the Teacher's Toolbox, which contains excellent practical activities for the classroom and demonstrates the principles behind the science happening aboard the SIPEX voyage to the Antarctic. The 'Toolbox' will be added to over the coming weeks and is designed to appeal to a wide variety of interest groups and ages. To locate the Toolbox, go to the Education page of the website: Choose 'Teacher's Toolbox' from the menu on the left of the page. Feedback is welcome, to:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Polar-Palooza: there's an idea!

The human face of the exploration of Earth's polar regions is coming to science centers and museums across the United States. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are sponsoring the Polar-Palooza "Stories from a Changing Planet" tour beginning Friday, 19 October 2007, in San Diego, California. The tour will stop in cities across the U.S. in 2007 and 2008. NSF and NASA are funding Polar-Palooza and other education and outreach activities as part of the International Polar Year (IPY), which began last March and ends in March 2009. IPY focuses science and education on Earth's remote polar regions. The Polar-Palooza national tour features tales of science and adventure from polar glaciologists, geologists, climate scientists, oceanographers, biologists, and residents of the Arctic. Each tour stop includes multimedia shows with high-definition video, school programs, teacher workshops, and briefings for media and business leaders. Upcoming tour dates include: 19-21 October: San Diego area - Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Birch Aquarium, San Diego Museum of Natural History, and other locations 22-24 October: Albuquerque - New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science 26-28 October: San Francisco area - Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, and the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley 8-10 November: Tampa, Florida - Museum of Science and Industry 11-13 November: Atlanta - Fernbank Science Center 15-17 November: Baton Rouge - Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science Polar-Palooza is produced by Passport to Knowledge, Morristown, New Jersey, as an integral part of IPY outreach efforts. The "Stories from a Changing Planet" tour will continue in 2008, with events planned in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Philadelphia, New York, Houston, and several other cities. For more information about Polar-Palooza and links to the 2007 tour schedule, please go to:

Friday, October 12, 2007

IPY Training, Communications and Outreach funding announced

International Polar Year (IPY) 2007 - 2008 is the largest ever international program of coordinated, interdisciplinary science and research focussed on the Arctic and Antarctic. The initiative, which began on March 1, 2007, involves research that will explore new scientific frontiers, improve our ability to detect change and deepen our understanding of polar processes and their global linkages. IPY involves as many as 60 countries, including Canada, and tens of thousands of scientists and research personnel from around the world. IPY is a unique opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of benefits for Northern, Aboriginal communities and all Canadians. Today, the Government of Canada Program for International Polar Year has issued a Call for Proposals for Training, Communications and Outreach projects in conjunction with International Polar Year. Innovative and creative proposals are being sought to help raise awareness about the Canadian Arctic, promote IPY and polar science and research, and provide training and skills development for Northerners, amongst other objectives. The Government of Canada Program for International Polar Year places important emphasis on engaging children and youth and wishes to encourage partnerships and collaborations in all aspects of its program. This Call for Proposals is intended to support activities and initiatives across the country, particularly in the North. Details regarding the Call for Proposals will be posted shortly on our website at The Call closes on January 15, 2008. Your assistance with helping to forward this email to as many interested applicants as possible would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

University of Alaska creates International Polar Year teaching guide

Read this article online.

A new guide created for teachers by the University of Alaska is aimed at integrating research being done in conjunction with the International Polar Year into classrooms across the state.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Arctic Net/Schools on website!

Our website has a new look! Please visit us at: Here’s what you’ll find.... Field Program: general information about the program, details about current and past trips; application forms for schools Students: selection criteria and application forms for field program; success stories Educators: selection criteria and application forms for field program; classroom resources; Arctic Marine Science Curriculum; lesson plans related to field program Scientists: resources on communicating science and conducting classroom visits; templates for planning onboard activities for Schools on Board Field program. Schools on Board Network – register yourself, your school, or your agency to receive our future announcements; join the network and enter to win - “Life on an Ocean Planet (textbook, CD-ROM, and curriculum guide). Arctic Climate Change Youth Forum - learn about upcoming youth forums held in conjunction with international ArcticNet/CFL science meetings Media – downloadable handouts and poster; access to the ArcticNet photo gallery Congratulations to the following schools who will be participating in our 2008 International Field Programs. These two programs will be part of the exciting IPY-Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study – one of Canada’s leading Arctic research programs being conducted during International Polar Year. For more information on this project visit the website at: Thank you to our international research collaborators for working with us on this exciting initiative. Field Program #1: February 29th – March 14, 2008 Ocean Research College Academy (USA) – collaboration with University of Washington Qingdao Middle School #39 (CHINA) - collaboration with Ocean University of China West Kirby Grammer School (ENGLAND) - collaboration with the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Frederic Mistral/Tecnic Eulalia (SPAIN) - collaboration with the Instituto de Ciencias Del Mar Sisler High School (CANADA) Nellie McClung Collegiate (CANADA) Inuksuit School (CANADA) Field Program #2: April 14 – April 28, 2008 Lochgilphead High School (SCOTLAND) - in collaboration with the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) Vest-Telemark Vidaregaande Skule (NORWAY) - in collaboration with the University of Trømso, and IPY Norway Staedtisches Gymnasium Bad Segeberg (GERMANY) - in collaboration with IFM-GEOMAR Allvar Gullstrandgymnasiet (SWEDEN) - in collaboration with Göteberg University Collège Français Secondaire de Longueuil (CANADA) Samuel Hearne Secondary School (CANADA) Vincent Massey Collegiate (CANADA) Collège Jeanne Sauvé (CANADA) Individuals from these schools will form 2 international teams of high school students and teachers who will fly to Inuvik, (NT) and proceed to join the IPY-CFL science teams on board the CCGS Amundsen (Canada’s state-of-the-art research icebreaker) located just south of Banks Island in the Western Canadian High Arctic . Activities on the ship will include a series of lectures, lab activities and introduction to fieldwork in a number of science disciplines. This two week experience will also include 7 days on the ship and activities in the northern communities of Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. Thank you to all the schools that applied. Congratulations to all the students and teachers selected by their schools to participate in this very unique field opportunity. ---- The Schools on Board Network consists of educators, scientists and agencies who are interested and connected to Arctic climate change research and science education. The network is used to announce field opportunities for high school students and teachers, inviting them to to join ArcticNet scientists and the Canadian Coast Guard, onboard the CCGS Amundsen, to experience a real science expedition in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic. Through its network Schools on Board informs members of field opportunities, classroom resources, and upcoming Arctic Climate Change Youth Forums. Please feel free to forward this email to other educators and scientists. If you would like to be added to, or removed from the network, please send an email to Lucette at: Visit our website at: Schools on Board is a scientific outreach program, housed at the Center for Earth Observation Science at the University of Manitoba.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

IPY: NOAA Lesson Plans

International Polar Year: IPY: 2007 2008: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: "NOAA has highlighted selected lessons aligned to the National Science Education Standards (NSES) for middle and high school students."

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


ESSAY CONTEST CELEBRATING THE INTERNATIONAL POLAR YEAR (IPY)! For more information about the essay contest from the Norwegian Researchers and Teachers Association of North America (NORTANA) visit the website at: Or contact: Louis Janus CARLA Office, 674 Heller Hall University of Minnesota 271-19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 624-9016 *************************************************************** The International Polar Year (IPY) is a large scientific program focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic. The IPY runs from March 2007 to March 2009. The Norwegian Researchers and Teachers Association of North America (NORTANA) announces an essay contest in conjunction with IPY for college students in North America. Norway and Norwegians have played many active scientific, social, political and cultural roles in the Arctic and Antarctic regions for hundreds of years. Undergraduate students at any North American college or university are invited to submit essays on topics including, but not restricted to, Norway¹s activities, research, industry, Sami population, or the creative arts in the polar regions. Further topics might include Polar exploration, whaling, environmental projects, international relations, climate change or recreation. The essays may be factual or polemical. Primary and secondary sources must be acknowledged. The winning essay writer will receive a scholarship award of $500. Essays should be approximately 1500 words long, and they should be written in English. To be considered, essays must be received by January 15, 2008. Send completed essays or questions to: Louis Janus at In order to be evaluated fairly, no indication of the writer¹s identity should be included in the essay. A code will be assigned to each essay, so the judges will not know whose essays they are reading. Essays will be judged on quality, clarity, originality, and insights provided. The winning essay will be published in NORTANA¹s newsletter and posted on the NORTANA website ( Send essays or questions to or by mail to Louis Janus, CARLA Office, 674 Heller Hall, University of Minnesota, 271-19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. (612) 624-9016

Monday, September 24, 2007

IPY sites courtesy National IPY Chair

A couple of useful source of potential stories and information are the various electronic newsletters being released by the various research programs. Two I enjoy and track regularly are the European Damocles project ( the name itself should catch your interest ) and the Canadian Arctic Net . The lead story from Damocles is about the sailing vessel TARA that has been frozen in and serving as a “drift bouy” for a year now. From the Tara site you can get regular updates and you could probably email the crew of scientists and maybe even set up an interview. Originally I thought Tara might drift east from north of Siberia and enter or come close to the western Canadian Arctic but from the latest plot of their drift course available on its web site it looks like it won’t come close instead having trended towards the pole and northern Greenland It easy to subscribe to both from their web sites. Ian R. Church Chair, Canadian IPY National Committee,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More about IPY Sea Ice Day September 21: Launch a Balloon!

A lot of information about Sea Ice is now available at: This includes: * information about over 30 projects studying Sea Ice, * contact to experts around the world * information about current expeditions, * background information * activities for teachers, students, and science centres * links to good sources of images and further resources Flyers are available for download from the Sea Ice Educators page in Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, French, Portugese, Japanese, German, Inuktitut, Russian, Danish, Icelandic, Malay, Polish, Spanish, and Norwegian. You can also "launch a virtual balloon" to show your involvement or interest in this event. It's quick, easy, and fun. Direct details can be found at We hope to see balloons going up around the world,- from schools, scientists, education centres, homes, interested public, artists, photographers, and more... This also helps us to learn more about who is interested in IPY, and what you might like to know more about in the future. We know that people's schedules are busy, so feel free to launch a balloon any time from now on,- the map is now live! To keep in touch with future IPY events and activities, please consider subscribing to one of our discussion groups: open discussion space and announcements: specifically for teachers: monthly reports only (no discussion) IPY in Geobrowsers See you on the Map! For more information, contact: Dr Rhian A Salmon IPY Education and Outreach Coordinator +44 (0) 7711181509 AIM / skype: rhiansalmon International Polar Year:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

IPY Data Stories video conference and web cast

In conjunction with the Sea Ice Day on 21 September, the first (and perhaps only) IPY Data Stories video conference and web cast will be held Tuesday the 18th at 1600 UTC (which is 1800 in Germany, noon on the East coast, 10 AM Mountain and 8AM in Alaska.) Hosted by Jennifer Oxenford at University of Pennsylvania with sea ice scientists in Bremerhaven Germany, Boulder, Colorado and Fairbanks, Alaska along with students in each of these locations, discussions will explore recent research findings on changes in Arctic sea ice and life under the sea ice off Antarctica. For more information, including the web address to watch the webcast of the event, which will be archived for on demand viewing, visit the website:

Friday, September 14, 2007

NSTA International Polar Year Web Seminars - Online

NSTA’s Web Seminars offers two free online seminars designed for educators of grades 5–8 on The Role of Polar Regions in Earth’s Changing Climate System, November 27 and December 13, 2007, featuring scientists and education specialists from NASA. The seminars will focus on the International Polar Year (IPY) and how polar regions interact with Earth’s climate system; atmospheric gas changes over Earth’s history; what ice cores tell us about past climate; and the implications of climate change in the polar regions.

Join the International Polar Year Events that focus on Sea Ice!

(1) IPY Data Stories - Sea Ice Videoconference and Webcast 18 September 2008 1600 UTC, 1800 Germany, Noon Eastern, 10 AM Mountain Time, 8 AM Alaska Learn about the "who, what, where, when, how and why" of sea ice research by joining the first of the IPY Data Stories series, which will be archived on the web for on-demand viewing. In conjunction with the first International Polar Day on September 21, 2007, scientists studying sea ice from the National Snow and Ice Data Center at CU Boulder, the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany, and at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks will present their recent data and findings in a video conference and webcast with students who will ask questions of the scientists. Topics will include examining the record low sea ice extent in the Arctic, the impacts of the loss of sea ice on coastal communities, and ecosystems that exist under the ice. The video conference will be webcast and archived by MAGPI at the University of Pennsylvania. (2) INTERNATIONAL POLAR DAY On September 21, 2007, the International Polar Year (IPY) will launch its first International Polar Day, focusing on Sea Ice. In preparation for this, a special sea ice web page has been prepared with information for Press and Educators, details of current projects and expeditions, contact details for scientists around the world, including in the polar regions, images, background information and useful links and resources.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sea Ice Studies: Lesson Plan

Sea ice studies…students in Kimmirut, NU did some as part of the Northern Climate Change Schools Program back at the beginning of the decade. See the lesson plan at :

And the community/class profile at:

International Polar Day, September 21

Note from Karen Edwards, Canadian IPY Secretariat

Please note September 21st will mark the first of first of quarterly International Polar Days, lead by the International Program Office (IPO) and the international Education, Outreach and Communications (EOC) subcommittee, to sustain public and media interest on IPY over the period of IPY.

The IPO has issued a media advisory ( and an information page ( that outlines activities/experiments that teachers and students can conduct on Sept 21st to mark the IPY Sea Ice Day. Classrooms can also launch a virtual balloon on the IPY map to indicate that they have participated in the event.

We have tried to include as much Canadian content and resources on the information page but if there are key areas we have missed then please feel free to let me know and I can send that information on to the IPO for inclusion on the web.

We are trying to organize some of the students that participated in the Students on Ice cruise this summer to give talks in local classrooms for that day. The timing is short but we will work with whatever opportunities we can within the given timeframe.

This first IPY day will allow us to create a model for the next on in early December. Thanks so much for your help in distributing this information throughout your network.

All the best, Karen

Karen Edwards Coordinator Canadian IPY Secretariat Z-908 Biological Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton, AB, CANADA, T6G 2E9 Tele: 780-492-0486 Fax: 780-492-0493 Website:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

NASA International Polar Year teacher's site

The NASA International Polar Year Web site features extensive resources educators can use to engage students in the study of the Arctic and Antarctic, and their role in the climate and life on Earth. The material also covers the polar regions of the moon and Mars.

Educators can access an easy-to-use, searchable "NASA Polar Express" database of news, images, video, animations, posters and fact sheets. Educators can also use lessons, educational tools and datasets, reading materials, podcasts and vodcasts, curriculum-based science games and a calendar of International Polar Year events.

Educators and students may also visit featured pages on the Web site like those offering an animated Tour of the Cryosphere, a trip to regions of Earth covered in snow and ice. Polar-palooza features stories of life and research in the polar regions under an interagency educational and public outreach initiative.

NASA - NASA & The International Polar Year (home site) Educators Page ( NASA IPY Multimedia page with cool videos NASA Web Site Offers Educators International Polar Year Resources (news release) - USA 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The NASA International Polar Year Web site features extensive resources educators can use to engage students in the study of ... See all stories on this topic

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

IPY Convention: Canadian Science Writers' Association (CSWA)

IPY Convention Announcement Canadian Science Writers' Association (CSWA) 24-26 May 2008 Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada For further information about CSWA, please go to: or contact: Claire Eamer Whitehorse CSWA Convention Organizing Committee Phone: 867-667-6332 E-mail: -------------------- The 2008 Canadian Science Writers' Association (CSWA) convention will be held on 24-26 May 2008 at Yukon College in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. The convention will focus on the International Polar Year and science in the North. In addition to two days of panels and presentations, the event will include a large display of posters about northern science and IPY projects. A one-day field trip will offer convention participants a chance to meet and talk with scientists and First Nations outside Whitehorse. CSWA is Canada's national alliance of professional science communicators and has about 450 members, including journalists, educators, freelance writers, publishers, and communications professionals from public and private organizations. For further information on the convention or on submitting a poster, please contact: Claire Eamer Whitehorse CSWA Convention Organizing Committee Phone: 867-667-6332 E-mail:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

IPY Spacial Websites...potpourri

People are rushing to get tools out that will aid the Research and Education and Outreach activities of IPY. People are probably seeing notices of these so I spent a few minutes preparing this review which outlines the functionality I have discovered in each system. I apologize to the developers and designers for any miss representation which is probably a product of my lack of curiosity to interpret the functionality of their products. GRAPHICAL MAP or SPATIAL Products: There are currently 2 basic program formats:

Google Earth Based

The site ARMAP ( Arctic Research Mapping Application) is a Google Earth based package out of the US. This site allows you to select projects by discipline however like the IPO site described next it does not provide an accurate representation of the geographic range that any one project is occurring on. You can also select an identifier of sites that have a funding from several USA funding organizations, by biome, by various environmental and physiographic landscape characteristics, by IPY or Arctic Observation Network, and by various man made features such as communities, research stations, roads etc.

- The International IPY Program Office (IPO) also has a Google Earth package directed more towards outreach and education at: Clicking on any of the markers on the spatial image of the globe will open a descriptor of a fully endorsed IPY Program or activity that at least will be partially occurring at that location. Clicking on More information will take you to the Program Proposal. The difficulty is that since most of this programs support activities in many places the marker may not be located in a local that you are particularly interested in. For instance the large wild Caribou/ Reindeer monitoring program known as CARMA led in Canada by Don Russell of Whitehorse but focusing on herds in the entire circumpolar north is accessed by a marker somewhere near Baker Lake in the NWT. If you want to know about work in Russia, Finland, Alaska or the Yukon you most likely would not find the reference using this tool.

CEON Interactive Map Server Based

- Canadians IPY Secretariat’s CANIPY Map Server . This program was originally developed to help inform the research community and assist them build strategic alliances with fellow researchers. It has matured dramatically since the last time I played in it. This program can be zeroed down to the individual program and if I use CARMA as an example again- you can find it under IPY Initiatives- Arctic - LAND- RUSSELL CARMA which is how the IPY Planning Chart breaks it out ( the “bee hive chart”). The locations of work are mapped by a cross hatch. Like several other programs CANIPY gives locations of research stations, research networks, boundaries, communities etc. For people trying appreciate the geographic scope of a program this seems to be the program of choice right now. However it doesn’t link yet back to the program proposal or any specific web site of any particular program. While I know the Secretariat is offering this program to all IPY Programs to date it does not seem to represent all international projects. In truth I suspect we will never get every thing clearly packaged since IPY continues to grow and many of the projects continue to be very dynamic.

CEON is the base on which CANIPY runs. It provides access to longer term study sites and programs such as the International Tundra Experiment.

Obviously there is already considerable cross fertilization between these various tools as programmers work to make them both more user friendly and to meet the growing needs of various users. My understanding is that some of the same individuals are involved in the design of various products.

Other Sites

In addition there are a large number of other Spatial Web Sites with Spatial Data available. The Yukon Government offers two public sites. The first is at Geomatics Yukon- This site will take you to specific Yukon datasets and links to others such as NRCan’s NTS and others. Some of these carry a cost. The second that many prefer ( partially because it is totally interactive and also because it is totally at no cost) is at Yukon Geology This “map base” is from the Bedrock Geology base, one of several including Stream Geochemistry and the Placer atlas, available by following the pathways from The Bedrock Geology map can obviously be zoomed into and has imagery , geology, contour data, major land tenure etc.


The Canadian Secretariat is cooperating with the IPO in developing a Digital Library. This will be a web site which will allow all research projects, national programs and others to store digital materials including reports, maps, power point like presentations, movies, photos, web addresses, posters etc. in a catalogued system that will allow all users to access them. I have had preliminary access to this system that is now fully designed and undergoing beta testing and loading by a limited number of users. Personally I am very impressed. Karen Edwards at he Secretariat tells me this should be available later this month for general access. When it is made available it is critical that IPY participants use it to load their materials that are to be shared with a wider audience.

I know people are within their limited resources trying to link many of these tools much like the IPO’s Google Earth program and their “Planning Chart” links to their other data bases such as program proposals.

Ian R. Church

Chair, Canadian IPY National Committee,

Senior Science Advisor,

From: [] On Behalf Of Info Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:58 AM To: Subject: FW: Updated Website ? the Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP)

The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) is now available for use in Google Earth. The website is available at: The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) is a suite of online, interactive maps and services that support Arctic science. In addition to "ARMAP 2D" (an Internet Map Server), ARMAP is now available for use in Google Earth. Users can navigate to areas of interest and explore or query information about field-based scientific research in the Arctic. Research sites are shown as points with links to details about project investigator, discipline, funding program, year, related websites, and other elements. ARMAP includes satellite imagery, other base maps, and map layers for places, roads, and natural features. Users can print or export maps for presentations, export selected data, select from a “map gallery” of predefined images, or link directly to a variety of database web services. With special emphasis on the International Polar Year (IPY), ARMAP strives to benefit scientists, science logistics experts, educators and the general public. ARMAP is funded by the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs, and is a collaborative development effort among the Systems Ecology Laboratory at the University of Texas at El Paso, Nuna Technologies, the INSTAAR QGIS Laboratory, and VECO Polar Resources. Comments are appreciated at