International Polar Year, or IPY (2007-2009) is by far the most exciting international scientific and educational opportunity of this century. For the next two years, all eyes will be focused on the physical, social and human dimensions of our planet's polar regions. Watch this blog for news related to Canadian outreach and education efforts related to IPY. Of particular interest to educators! Note: This blog is created independently of any official IPY organization

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Integrating IPY research with public outreach or education?

Hello (apologies for cross-posting)
Have you been integrating IPY research with public outreach or education? If so, please consider submitting an abstract to the AGU session, ED03: IPY: Science and Outreach In Polar Partnership Note: AGU allows presenters to be first author on oral sessions in both science and education categories so you are allowed to submit an abstract to this, and also to your relevant science session.
Abstract: The International Polar Year 2007-8 continues to lead the integration of outreach, education and communication into research projects. Scientists and educators within the polar community have been working together to develop and share effective methods of communicating the important role of Polar Regions in the global system. This session is an opportunity to celebrate and profile successful partnerships between IPY science and outreach, explore best-practices, and set recommendations for future collaborations. We welcome abstracts from all areas of polar science and outreach, especially those that used IPY as an opportunity to explore new collaborations, techniques, audiences, and technology. We are interested in approaches used for international to local activities, evaluation of these, and how these might be applied to a different context.
The submission deadline is 10 September 2008, 2359 UT. To submit an abstract, please visit
Session details and convener contact information can be found at:
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Rhian Salmon, Jenny Baeseman, Louise Huffman, Nicola Munro, and Elena Sparrow

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