Teachers: Take Your Students to the Arctic with eCards
Students can now research Arctic glaciers on the eCards website, and use it to create an eCard, an electronic postcard with their own message and graphics.
In September 2007, twelve high school students from Canada, Germany and the UK sailed to the Arctic aboard the Noorderlicht. They worked with scientists and artists who are interested in exploring the impact of climate change in the North. This Cape Farewell expedition gave the youth a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity, one they can now vividly share with other students through the eCards topic resource centre on Arctic glaciers.
While learning about glaciers, your students can imagine what it would be like to travel to the Arctic aboard a 120-foot schooner. They will meet Shona, a high school student in Quebec. Students can listen to her video diary about the glacier mass balance research she participated in and read what she had to say about it in her blog. They also meet Jethro, a student from the UK, who shares his video diary from the Arctic as well as a song he wrote that was inspired by the glaciers.
The eCards website now includes five age-appropriate, multi-media topic resource centres for student research:
- wind energy
- solar energy
- nuclear power
- energy success stories
- Arctic glaciers.
Initially piloted by Grade 7 Geography teachers in Ontario last fall, eCards is quickly finding its way into a range of classrooms, curricula and grade levels across the country.
Visit the eCards website and click Learn More to see the Arctic Glacier topic resource centre.
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