Karen, any list member can post to the list, so why not craft your message yourself? Simply email to polarpals@yahoogroups.com .
This goes for any other message you’d like to send to the list. It won’t appear on the blog page, however, though I could set you up for this too….OR simply email your message to rrodden.ppipy@blogger.com and it will go to the blog and the polarpals list.
-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Edwards [mailto:karen.edwards@ualberta.ca]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:14 PM
To: Remy.Rodden
Subject: Re: [polarpals] EXTENDED DEADLINE - Oslo Science Conference - 25 JANUARY 2010
Wondering if you can help me with something using Polar Pals.We are looking through the currently registered abstracts with the OSC and I would like to track which Canadians have submitted already and I can compare it with the list I have seen today. Just want to make sure none of the Canadian submissions get lost.
Let me know if you'd like me to write a message for the group.
Karen Edwards
IPY International Program Office
OSC teachers' conference committee
Tel: +1-780-424-6517
On 21-Jan-10, at 11:50 AM, <remy.rodden@gov.yk.ca> <remy.rodden@gov.yk.ca> wrote:
EXTENDED DEADLINE - Oslo Science Conference - 25 JANUARY 2010
8-12 June 2010 | Oslo, Norway
Submit abstracts now at: www.ipy-osc.
To enable inclusion of as much IPY and related polar data in the final
program, late submissions will continue to be accepted until Monday 25
January. We would be grateful if you could pass this information to
interested colleagues, students and polar networks.
From: Volker Rachold <Volker.Rachold@
Date: January 21, 2010 4:11:45 AM PST
To: Volker Rachold <Volker.Rachold@
Cc: No-Reply <news@iasc.info>
Subject: IPY Oslo Conference
Abstract deadline for IPY Oslo Science Conference extended till 25th January: More than 2200 abstracts submitted on deadline
Published: 21.01.2010
The IPY Oslo Science Conference will be the biggest polar science meeting ever. The steering committee, meeting in Oslo today, already feel that we are a long way towards a great success. To cater for some groups the committee has decided to accept abstracts submitted up untill the 25th January.
- We have sufficient content to prepare a very attractive program, says Dr Olav Orheim, chair of the steering committee. - The turnout is impressive from most disciplines. Al together 850 has applied for the early career stipends. The committee has devoted a lot of attention to the scientists recruited to polar science through IPY, so this turnout is a remarkable achievement.
The IPY Oslo Science Conference is already twice as large as the last, and up untill then largest, global polar science meeting in terms of submissions.
- The brief extension of the deadline is for the courtesy of some of our partners. The submission system has in general been smooth. But in particular some scientists, that have just now returned from Antarctica, need some extra lead time, Dr Orheim says.
While leaving the call for abstracts open for a few days, the steering committee has decided that stipend application option is closed by the original deadline.
The submitted abstracts are quite well distributed amongst the 6 conference themes and in general between the various sessions:
· 420 abstracts submitted for Theme 1. Linkages between Polar Regions and global systems
· 560 abstracts submitted for Theme 2. Past, present and future changes in Polar Regions
· 440 abstracts submitted for Theme 3. Polar ecosystems and biodiversity
· 270 abstracts submitted for Theme 4. Human dimensions of change: Health, society and resources
· 240 abstracts submitted for Theme 5. New frontiers, data practices and directions in polar research
· 220 abstracts submitted for Theme 6. Polar science education, outreach and communication
The IPY Oslo Science Conference has so far received abstracts from 58 nations. This largely overlaps with the 60 nations that participated in the International Polar Year.
- Conveners are now urged to continue to actively promote their sessions, especially those with relatively low turnout. Some regions of the world are underrepresented. This includes parts of Asia/Pacific and South-America. We will use the extension period to encourage participation from those regions, Dr Orheim says.
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