International Polar Year, or IPY (2007-2009) is by far the most exciting international scientific and educational opportunity of this century. For the next two years, all eyes will be focused on the physical, social and human dimensions of our planet's polar regions. Watch this blog for news related to Canadian outreach and education efforts related to IPY. Of particular interest to educators! Note: This blog is created independently of any official IPY organization

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Teachers' Domain Polar Sciences Collection Launch

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Teachers' Domain Polar Sciences Collection. You'll find the entire special collection at The special collection includes the 20 new resources, lesson plan, and student activity funded by NSF as an IPY Education activity, and we've also also catalogued other resources already on TD that complement these. Nearly all the new resources are available as Open Educational Resources for download and reuse. You can find a listing of just the newly added materials at The student activity, "Observations of Climate Change" is a new feature on Teachers' Domain, giving students a chance to engage with qualitative and quantitative data as they examine issues affecting the Arctic and the rest of the world. We hope that these materials will help bring polar sciences into classrooms across the country and help to focus attention on the importance of the work taking place during International Polar Year. We plan to expand the special collection later this year with the 40 new resources we'll be developing as part of our NSF-funded project, "Engaging Alaska Natives in the Geosciences." Teachers' Domain is a Pathways project of the National Science Digital Library. For more information contact: Ted Sicker, Executive Producer, Teachers' Domain WGBH Interactive West 55 Federal Street, Suite 260 Greenfield, MA 01301 PH: 413-774-2422 FAX: 413-774-9888 Boston Ext. x3816

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