Hello everyone,
Hope your November has gone well. I’m send out a quick email that outlines some of the IPY activities that will be happening nationally and internationally over the next six months or so for your information. There will be more information available about the Canadian IPY early results workshop available soon.
Bob Van Dijken
Yukon IPY Coordination Office
Council of Yukon First Nations
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
IPY International Early Career Researcher Symposium
More info
6th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2009)
Canadian International Polar Year Early Results workshop
Details available soon on the Canadian IPY website
International Polar Week
focus on local community-building activities, will connect new and existing partners in science outreach
State of the Arctic Conference
IPY Oslo Science Conference
Polar Science - Global Impact
If you are interested in submitting an abstract for consideration as a presentation or poster the online submission form is now available. The deadline for submission of Abstracts is January 20th
IPY Teachers conference in Oslo
Date: 6th-7th June 2010 (Teacher workshop) 8th-12th June (IPY Oslo Science Conference)
Place: Oslo , Norway
When and where
The introductory part of the teacher conference will take place at The University of Oslo June 6 and June 7, 2010 . The science conference lasts from June 8 until June 12.
Teachers will attend the science conference and meet regularly during the week to share their experiences and ideas.
Who can participate?
Teachers and educators worldwide including pre-service teachers
How to register?
To participate in the PolarTEACHERS conference you need to register and apply. There are two ways to be selected:
· Present a paper to one of the Theme 6 parallel session in the IPY-OSC 2010 by submitting an abstract on a project or activity that you were involved in during IPY.
· Write an application describing how you plan to use polar science in your classroom.
Selection of participants
Criteria for selection:
Quality of the abstract for EOC session or the implementation plan for use of polar science in an educational setting Quality of application Geographic distribution of participants Different educator categories
If you are not selected for the conference, you can still participate at the IPY-OSC 2010. You will then have to pay full registration fee and accommodation costs.
Conditions for selected participants
Reduced registration fee of 230 EURO (full registration fee is 460 EURO)
This fee covers accommodation from Saturday June 5 until Saturday June 12. The fee also covers two dinners as well as breakfast and lunch from Sunday to Saturday. Participants will also receive a copy of the new IPY resource book, Polar Science and Global Climate.
NOTE! You must be willing to share rooms with 1 to 3 persons. It will not be possible to pay extra for single rooms. If you want another accommodation you must organize and pay for it yourself.
Travel support to teachers from outside Europe
Maximum number of participants to be selected: 120
Abstract submission deadline January 20, 2010
Acceptance of abstracts/applications February 15, 2010
Acceptance from selected participants February 25, 2010
Registration deadline for the conference March 8, 2010
Learn more about the PolarTEACHERS programme